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by DirtyBacon04 » Sun May 18, 2014 3:52 am

Well, I've discussed this idea with a few of you, but figured I'd post up so everyone can see it and provide input for me.

Basically what I'm looking to do is travel North America via my TrailBazer. I want to live out of it, and work on the move. I don’t have any idea how long I'd be doing this Vagabond tour, but that’s kind of the idea. I want to drive all over this country, being as self-sufficient as possible. Almost like a mix of Expedition: Overland and Survivorman. I'll collect my own drinking water, catch my own fish/food when possible, etc. The idea of waking up one day and deciding to drive to Alaska or Virginia or The Roadie's front yard and not having to plan something out for 3 months is rather enticing. And I don’t want to wait 35 years till I retire to do it. I love my job and the guys I work with, but I can always fall back on it. Good thing about my career field is that it's pretty universal. Hopefully this adventure will help me decide where I really want to live my life. I'm in a good spot to do it right now. Not married, no kids, no mortgage, and my debt is only 3 figures.

I know the biggest issue that most of you have probably already thought of is money. I can only rely so much on savings, but how will I make money once those savings are depleted? This is my biggest obstacle, and really the only thing holding me back. I've had several ideas thanks to MikeKey, but none of them are very secure. Then again, security = no risk. No risk = No trip. No trip = Not an option. Craigslist is always an option for those one time gigs that they post, but not necessarily my first choice. If I had the ability to work online, 100% remote, like Mrs. Key, that'd be ideal. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled in that front.

I've had the ideas of trying to write trail reviews for some kind of publisher, maybe get sponsored after a while and do product testing. Youtube channel will most likely happen, to generate some kind of following. I'd need y'alls help with that. My truck will be outfitted with a laptop and some form of internet connection, so I can post on the go. One idea I've had is to just show up a Nat. Park with my chainsaw in hand, tell them what I'm doing, and ask if they have any work for me. Clearing trails, splitting firewood, etc. Then once the work there is done, have them give me a reference and I move on to the next park. My ballpark math is showing that if I'm driving every day, I'd need about $600-$900/month to survive. Hell of a lot less if I'm stationary for a while and even less if I'm catching my own food.

I've got about 8 pages of notes and lists of mods I’m going to need. Another 2 pages for spare parts I'll need to carry, and 1 page of maintenance that needs to be done prior to departure. All that can be modified on the go. The biggest thing I'm going to need help with is how I'll be able to make money. If you know of anyone or some company that does online work (as long as it's simple enough for a jarhead like me) let me know. Or just pay me to mow your yard or something. Who knows? Maybe someday they'll make a movie about it! I'd recruit Jason Statham to play me, since we're practically identical. :druken:

This is an ever evolving idea and I'm going to be relying heavily on you guys/gals to give me advice on work, mods, spare parts, destinations, etc. I might need my own category so I can have several threads for these topics. :poke:

I don't have a set "departure date" yet, but I'm trying to come up with one. It's going to have to allow me enough time to finish my build, get a 'safe' amount of savings, and not leave my agency in a bind. I'm thinking within the next 18 months though... However; that'll put me leaving at the beginning of winter... Hmmm. I just don't want it to keep getting pushed back because of X,Y,Z.

Oh and the most important part… I'm going to need ideas for what to name this trip. Thanks ahead of time.
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by v7guy » Sun May 18, 2014 6:29 am

I've up and left a few times in my life, truth be told, the last 8 years here has been pretty rough despite things being relatively ideal. It's the longest I've stayed put anywhere in my life.

If you're commited to living in your truck or a tent, a job to get you to the next place will be relatively easy to find. Handy work will get you the quickest cash. I think the savings you get will be what you keep for big vehicle failures. I wouldn't try to live off of savings even if you can save up 10k. I'd treat it like you have no money, that's what served me best, do jobs for day to day.
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by NC_IslandRunner » Sun May 18, 2014 7:43 am

Awesome Bacon! Just a thought on the WiFi in the rig, even if you don't have it in your truck you can buy OnStar at best buy, they are about to start offering internet for like $5-10/month!

As far as who plays you I've got someone else in mind!

Bacon????????????? NO!


More like this...........

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by JorDaneeKey » Sun May 18, 2014 7:50 am

Just my .02 cents, Bacon. Have you thought about Indigogo or GoFundMe? Not saying that'll solve it, but it'll give folks a chance to donate to your adventure. After all, some folks like to live vicariously through others, and if you're blogging/ can help generate a following that way.
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by mikekey » Sun May 18, 2014 12:19 pm

Should you stay home with the comfort and security of your current environment or heed the call to adventure and risk everything for what's merely a dream? I think you know what I'm going to say.

"How will I make money?" is the BIGGEST MENTAL ROADBLOCK to your DREAM.

It's a fear that's holding you back. Don't be afraid of failure and don't be afraid of not having all the answers you need to move towards your goal. Anything I've ever attempted I was always willing to fail. You can't always win, but don't be afraid of making decisions. You can't be paralyzed by the fear failure or you will never push yourself. You keep pushing because you believe in yourself and your dream.

I'd recommend you get these books:

The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
Program or Be Programmed by Douglas Rushkoff



If you don't like to read, I'd recommend you get the f/ck over it or you'll be a bitch the rest of your life.

You know the average man has a grand total of six sexual partners during his lifetime, and he reads an average of six books a year.

Between not having sex and not reading, the average man somehow only manages to squeeze in a measly 34 hours a week of television viewing.

I know, and I’m sure that you do too, several people who never read. Off the top of my head I can think of half a dozen of them. They aren’t people I’d willingly choose to be around, but various circumstances force me into their company. All of them are, to use their own rationalizations, “down on their luck.” They didn’t realize a diet of cheeseburgers would lead to obesity, and now they can’t figure out why the exercise program they saw on television isn’t working for them.

While their problems are truly rooted in laziness, all of these men could at least benefit somewhat if they were willing to pick up a book. Instead, at some point long ago, they decided that learning was stupid. Content with being entertained, they perpetually wallow in a slew of problems. Their ignorance prevents them from realizing just how horrible their lives are.

Here some money making suggestions, learn to build websites:

Learn Ruby on Rails in 30 days: (I see jobs for remote Ruby Programers all day long on :

You could try your hand at internet marketing, create an ebook and sell it, my buddy Victor at does this with his Body of A Spartan ebook. His blog brings traffic and people buy the ebook. Check out for what a nerdy kid named Steve Kamb managed to do with a silly website. He's now traveled the world and lives solely off his website income.

Most of your fears are bullshit. Just f/cking do it and take action in the direction of your dreams.

A lot of people are looking for the easy way out. Nothing will in life worth doing will come easy or be handed to you. No pain, no gain. Always do the thing you fear most, because by doing the thing that you fear, you begin to strengthen your character and the death of fear is certain and no mountain can stand in your way.

Another suggestion, start cutting out all the bullshit from your life TODAY. If you read this post and don't take one action step, YOU ARE A PUSSY. :angry whip: Good luck on those dream lazy man.

Start saving money! Look at your current finances and cut away everything that is bullshit. You can choose living this dream or eating a f/cking big mac today. Is going to see that movie in IMAX 3D really worth your dream? Is that xbox, that TV? That motorcycle?

Is moving into that house worth your dream? Is it costing you more? Can you live for less for the next 12 months to save 50% of your income?

Successful people do the things they need to do whether they feel like it or not. Just f/cking do it, take action in the direction of your dreams. Never be static. It's suppose to be difficult and it's suppose to be hard. Hard work is the only thing that makes your dreams become reality.

Bitches can't get rid of their $200 a month iphone data plan for whatever pussy excuse for 12 months. Bitches can't cut the cable and throw out their TV. Bitches can't start doing side work to save up extra cash or do what's difficult.

Bitches might look successful, and might be comfortable, but they'll die never having accomplished their dreams.

This is the mental fight I have to have with myself every day. To motivate myself, and refocus myself to make sure every decision I make adds up as a step towards my dream.

Just saying "NO" to my coworkers when they want to go get coffee is a mental battle. What's $7 dollars today in the grand scheme of things, but success is a series of choices compounded over time.

You know what you need to do, just go f/cking do it.

Get a note book, set a date you want to get on the road. Then break up all the things you need to get done in actionable steps with due dates.

Cut the bullshit out of your life, schedule the activities you need to do to get things done on the truck, prioritize finances.

Just do it.

v7guy is right, don't try to live off your savings, think of it as your safety net. Aim for 30%-50% of your income in savings of a 12 month time period. If you can't save 30% of your take home pay then you have SERIOUS FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, this applies to everyone else reading this. I'd reconsider WTF you are doing with your money and life. PAY YOURSELF FIRST, NOT OTHER PEOPLE. If you're in debt up to your eyeballs then treat it like your HAIR IS ON FIRE. BECAUSE YOUR HAIR IS ON FIRE.

Tough sh/t if your feelings are hurt by the above statements. FYI, as you move towards your dreams you will piss mediocre people off more and more. You will eventually get used to it and stop caring and just pitty them for being pathetic. Nothing is sadder than a human being not living up to their potential. I know because I've been a pathetic POS that has taken his own potential for granted to many times.
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by mikekey » Sun May 18, 2014 12:44 pm

DirtyBacon04 wrote:I've had the ideas of trying to write trail reviews for some kind of publisher, maybe get sponsored after a while and do product testing. Youtube channel will most likely happen, to generate some kind of following. I'd need y'alls help with that. My truck will be outfitted with a laptop and some form of internet connection, so I can post on the go. One idea I've had is to just show up a Nat. Park with my chainsaw in hand, tell them what I'm doing, and ask if they have any work for me. Clearing trails, splitting firewood, etc. Then once the work there is done, have them give me a reference and I move on to the next park. My ballpark math is showing that if I'm driving every day, I'd need about $600-$900/month to survive. Hell of a lot less if I'm stationary for a while and even less if I'm catching my own food.

Believe it or not, my stupid cousin made $2000 on youtube last year from uploading videos of RC races. The family we follow - has a huge instagram following, this lead to Josh getting a temp gig from Travel Oregon where they are currently. I have no clue what he's getting paid, but I suspect considering his following, it's at least 4 figures.

This is why above I suggested you leverage the internet to make money. Odesk, Freelancer, blah blah, ask and I will tell you sources you can offer services on. Hell there are people making a living on

I actually have researched on the road internet heavily, so when you are ready to go down that path, feel free to ask, because I'll probably have tackled my entire setup by then. But my phone bill will be a larger expense down the road.

One last thing, start a website.

I've got too many ideas and domains, I actually had to calm myself down and chose from, &

I've decided we're going to build out a presence using the last name in the line up.

I've even kicked the idea of making masculine soap by hand that I can sell on Etsy using the domain and market that shit to all the fancy "swagger" & player types.

But right now I had to shelf a lot of ideas to focus on one thing at a time.

Prioritize your ideas, write them down, figure out what should be on hold.

I'm ranting aren't I?
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by DirtyBacon04 » Sun May 18, 2014 3:37 pm

Rant level: Epic. I didn't even know we had a character limit for our posts until just now.

Mike, you've been my main motivator for this thus far and I appreciate the effort you're putting into MY dream. Thank you. Sometimes, calling someone a bitch and a pussy is the perfect way to motivate them! LOL! Thats what I learned as a Marine, anyway.

I just increased my automatic savings transfers by 150%. The move to the house will cost me about the same since I'll be sharing it with a coworker. PLUS I'll have the garage to work on my truck, and I wont have to drive 45 minutes to my parents house to do it. (this comlex doesn't allow veh. maint). I'll be doing away with cable, and only having internet, my patrol car is already my grocery-getter. I don't go out much as it is. All my expenses, ususally, are food, beer, and truck parts. The bare essentials of life.

Admittedly, I'm one of those people who hate reading. Usually I only read while I'm taking a shit. Something I'll have to get over. I'm going to be looking into those links, more thoroughly, on my next night off. I guess I can't just be a brute and work online. Gonna have to learn a new trade. Exciting, in a way.

I'm pretty handy though, so the physical labor jobs should be easy to find and do. The mobile internet is another story, though. So far all of my research relies on 3g or 4g coverage. Unless I want to drop $6k on a data satellite dish that charges $6.99 per MB.

I've got a long way to go, but like they say, every adventure starts with a single step.
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by RyansTBLS » Sun May 18, 2014 4:25 pm

If you're looking for something more "safe" job wise, FedEx or better yet UPS needs package handlers around the U.S. If you can get a sweet deal with HR they could move you around as a temp, and stay a month or two in an area. If not you can do the old fashioned thing and just walk in and apply when you go broke at one of their main hubs, just keep a list. I knew four people in an ugly KIA (killed in action) that were doing just that, drive across the country until they were broke or the car was, then stay and work a month or two, then off and going. I also knew a friend who traveled in a minivan across the country, sleeping in rest areas at night. She'd work a job or two, mow a lawn, etc. for food and gas. Also known a guy who's hitch hiked across America with a dairy goat, selling cheese, goats milk, and goat hair clothes. Let's face it, your already more prepared!
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by DirtyBacon04 » Sun May 18, 2014 4:51 pm

Yea, and I don't plan on sleeping in highway rest stops... Especially when I make my way to Canada/Alaska.
Trans-Continental Trailblazer - 5th Award
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by RyansTBLS » Sun May 18, 2014 4:54 pm

yea but at least out here along most of the FS roads there is free camping anywhere with a fire ring
bring a shovel for your pit stops :finger:
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by Wahugg » Sun May 18, 2014 5:12 pm

I can really only offer you two things.

The first is that if you are ever in the Columbus Ohio area and need a day job then you're welcome to it here on the farm.

Secondly remember that no matter what could go wrong, you'll still have yourself and be alive. Lose all you're money doing this, guess what? You're alive to earn some more and restart. Maybe 6 months down the road you decide that this isn't what you're looking for. At least you tired and quenched you're curiosity.

It is smart to have a back up plan and to take precautions such as not touching your savings, but remember that if all else fails you still have your life and can rebuild.

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by bgwolfpack » Sun May 18, 2014 5:42 pm

Work for six months living out of the TB where you are now and save/save/save. Then head south of the border. Should be good for a couple years. Add in the idea of freelancing the trip with funding from Friends with an internet journal and you have got it made.

Or this---
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by JorDaneeKey » Sun May 18, 2014 5:45 pm

Hey Bacon, kid you not reach out to Mike about mobile internet, and stay away from satellite!

We follow dozens of web guys who travel full time, and they've tested dozens of internet setups. We've got notes on them all. Heck, if you want I can share one of our online projects I'm throwing together with research and ideas from other folks on the road. It'll save you from having to Google. Just let me know!
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by mikekey » Sun May 18, 2014 6:57 pm

DirtyBacon04 wrote:Rant level: Epic. I didn't even know we had a character limit for our posts until just now.

Mike, you've been my main motivator for this thus far and I appreciate the effort you're putting into MY dream. Thank you. Sometimes, calling someone a bitch and a pussy is the perfect way to motivate them! LOL! Thats what I learned as a Marine, anyway.

Some of it is to help others who might also be reading this, maybe we can both inspire others. I have to call myself names and do a lot of self talk regularly. Otherwise I can be a real lazy pussy a$$ b/tch myself. I will shrug off and wimp out without kicking my own butt.

DirtyBacon04 wrote:I just increased my automatic savings transfers by 150%. The move to the house will cost me about the same since I'll be sharing it with a coworker. PLUS I'll have the garage to work on my truck, and I wont have to drive 45 minutes to my parents house to do it. (this comlex doesn't allow veh. maint). I'll be doing away with cable, and only having internet, my patrol car is already my grocery-getter. I don't go out much as it is. All my expenses, usually, are food, beer, and truck parts. The bare essentials of life.

You really are in an ideal position. This is why I believe you gotta chase down that dream and make it happen. I'm regretting not staying more focused on some of our dreams already. All the way back in 2012 we had these ideas, I've made things take much longer by doing things like buying a corvette, and generally being indecisive about what I really wanted. Giving into a lot of the this makes me feel good now, while selling out my dream.

DirtyBacon04 wrote:Admittedly, I'm one of those people who hate reading. Usually I only read while I'm taking a shit. Something I'll have to get over. I'm going to be looking into those links, more thoroughly, on my next night off.

Ok, I just finished reading The Flinch, this book is hella awesome. I'd recommend it before the others honestly. Plus if you have a kindle you can read it for free: ... the+flinch

I was not a big reader either, but I am a self learner, and I realized that all the successful people around me read way more than me. I especially noticed this when I was doing manually labor going into all these rich peoples homes. Science proves it too, people who read more non-fiction (not the internet) generally are smarter and wealthier about 100% of the time.

DirtyBacon04 wrote:I guess I can't just be a brute and work online. Gonna have to learn a new trade. Exciting, in a way. I'm pretty handy though, so the physical labor jobs should be easy to find and do.

I don't have a problem telling people that I am a highschool drop out with a GED, I never finished the 9th grade and I was held back in 3rd grade. I still manage to make 6 figures.

No college education and I somehow managed to land a job working for the Navy Marine Corps, but that only lasted 3yrs, from there it was all kinds of odd ball jobs, from repairing laptops to landscaping to painting, to Stanley Steamer. Eventually I started my own business doing the website thing. I wasn't even a very good entrepreneur either, and yet people still threw money at me.

My business was totally failing when I landed my current job, I wasn't even looking for a job. I put together a wordpress theme for my current boss and he offered me a position afterwards, which I accepted.

The point I'm trying to make here is you being a grunt has nothing to do with nothing. Although learning to do something on a computer is useful because they can't get mexicans to do it for $3 bucks and hour right now. My field is still safe from overseas workers too because they all suck so badly.

My current dilemma is, will my job let me go remote or am I going to have to learn to be a better freelancer. It's 100x easier being told what to do currently, working for myself is a lot of hustle. So I'm in the money boat too. I have a lot of ideas, but that fear of uncertainty is holding me back a bit.

Also a house full of stuff is also holding me back, I got a lot of arrangements to make. But the goal is on, get shit sold, get an airstream in dec/jan and hit the road by Feb.

OH BTW, about the cold, just stay south. I notice a lot of folks do this, travel with the seasons.

As for mobile internet, yeah you don't want SAT. A lot of campgrounds and even SP's these days offer free wifi. Although it's not amazing, and you will need a booster receiver. Most everyone's blog who is full time on the road I've read about usually has two plans. Verizon and AT&T, however no one actually gets verizon. They use Millenicom is a Verizon 3g/4g reseller and sells a 20GB plan for 89 a month, Verizon charges $145 a month for the same plan. Everyone seems to have great things to say, although some where mad because I guess it used to be 69 a month.

The wifi booster is called the Wifi Ranger and will help you pick up free wireless. I will be using this plus a millenicom and a AT&T backup plan.

You can probably skip the backup plan and just rely on the millenicom plus using the ranger to jump on free networks.

A few things obviously, say good bye to Netflix and watching youtube videos all day.

The upside for us is that Danee's job provided her with a Verizon Mifi and her own plan, which means I will only need to figure out the internet for my job. Saving us some of those gigs by dividing each others work between two plans.

Start making a list of places you want to visit. We can both keep motivating each other as we work towards our goals.

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by mikekey » Sun May 18, 2014 7:12 pm

Of course I'm going to be the one guy on here blowing up your thread. Sorry.

So another thing, Boondocking! This is something a number of folks do, that should be even easier for you in the Trailblazer. It's pretty much camping for free without hookups. Usually on public land, in state forests, national forests, BLM land and such. Although not having a camper/rv you'll have your own unique challenges. But it's one of the ways guys cut down on the cost of living and get away from things.


I always loved this picture from Dan (Malimish Airstream) of his family boondocking across from the Grand Tetons and he still had 4G LTE!!

I don't know if you've thought about solar, and a dual battery setup, but you're probably going to want something to recharge your gear besides running the engine.

Also, I'm trying to think who, I need to go thru my bookmarks, one of the sites I follow, the couple got a pass to Arizona State parks for like $30 dollars and it lets them stay in all the state parks in that state. So far they have stayed in 11 State Parks, and state parks come up a lot as a good cheap alternative to over run NP's and over priced private RV/Campgrounds.

Also, who knows you might be able to find hired hand work on a farm where you can also park for awhile. This is called Workamping, you can do a google search, it's a pretty popular and common thing out west.

Full time RV's/Campers are going to offer you the most info, especially the ones blogging. We've found a lot. At first I only was watching airstreamers, now I scan everyone who is on the road fulltime.
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by JorDaneeKey » Sun May 18, 2014 7:32 pm

It was Watson's Wander. They didn't stay in enough state parks to have the AZ park pass save big money, but they did in New Mexico (and have in a few other states): ... -32-38-pm/
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by Bacnbit » Mon May 19, 2014 9:58 am

Congrats to you for stepping out of the norm and going after a dream. :thumleft:
This is just a few thoughts.
Have you though about or would like help soliciting 4wd Clubs, Magazines, TV shows, PBS, Manufactures of products you will and do use for types of sponsorship.

I Work in the RV industry and I talk with alot of travelers. I have heard multiple times that they are staying in parks of all kinds (state,local,private) and work in them and in return they are able to have their lodging covered and get some pocket cash. I know its not off the beaten path sometimes but it would free up some cash. And you would make some connections with folks.
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by v7guy » Mon May 19, 2014 11:16 am

you guys make me want to quit my job and go be miserable half as much as I am now. lol

I am pretty interested in these alternate methods of connecting online. I assume they work best for streaming a single pre written post to a blog or site. I'm sure there's a number of members that are interested in being able to post from the road long term.
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by The Roadie » Mon May 19, 2014 11:24 am

I'd be hanging out at ExPo more to learn about long-term travel. And of course, the RV forums to learn how the old coot curmudgeons do it on Federal land out west.

It all gets easier when you have a medical coverage safety net like Medicare. I would NEVER go uncovered, so ACA plans are the lifeboat if you're under 65. One hospital stay for a broken leg or appendicitis can bankrupt you.
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by DirtyBacon04 » Mon May 19, 2014 11:43 am

lucky me, I've got coverage through the VA.
not sure how much it'll cover, but it'll help for sure.

v7guy wrote:you guys make me want to quit my job and go be miserable half as much as I am now. lol

you're welcome to join. we'll get an ORTB convoy going!! Should I start the sign up thread now?
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