I took a four day weekend to run up to deer camp this weekend in Rock, MI. The camp is owned by a good friend and a co- worker of my late father. Last deer season he was talking about plans for the camp and i told him I would be up for a maintenance weekend/summer vacation. Any way, I headed out after work on Wed. a little over 6 hours north then west into the UP.
We spent the better part of 2 days adding a roof to the porch and blocking off part for a future bathroom.
After working each day I headed out in the TB exploring the back roads. I'm not really sure all the roads I traveled but seems like every road eventually turned into a two track/trail with sign stating "Seasonal road not maintained by the county". It was awesome, most trails were a mix of sand and rock that ran next to the Escanaba river.
I am not sure if it was public or private land along the trails but there was dozens of turn offs/ camp sites along the trails.
I can't wait to head back to the Upper it is truely a outdoor play ground.